About Me

My Name is Anthony Williams. I am 25 years old. I am married to my highschool sweetheart Brittany Williams. I have 2 kids, 11 months and 4 years old.

Cool fact about those three. I asked her out on april 13th of 2012... Which is Friday the 13th. I proposed to her on Cinco de Mayo. Her birthday is March 17th which is St.Patricks Day, and my oldest son's birthday is also March 17th...but 21 years later. BUT WAIT.... Theres more... My youngest son was conceived on the same day as my first son, But he was born 18 days prior... If you do the math that would technically be Feburary 28th 2020.... But those who didnt know, 2020 was a leap year. So there was 29 days in Feburary. Yes, you guessed it. My Second son was born on Leap Day of Leap Year. That means he would only have 1 birthday every 4 years. In turn, when he turned 84, it would technically actually be his 21st ACTUAL birthday. So... That means he can not drink until he is 84 years old.

Now this is where i come in. I was born August 5th 1995. There is nothing special about my birthday. I was born and thats special enough for me! I was born in Florida and raised in Maine. My mother passed away in 2007 when i was 11. She passed of Metastatic Melanoma, which now is one of the ONLY cancers that can be cured in Stage 4. 10 years to late, huh? I than moved to Colorado, where i met my gorgeous wife, graduated Highschool and enlisted for the Army.

I Went to basic, got married, and was stationed in Joint-Base Lewis Mcchord all in 2013. By 2015 I re-classed into Aviation and than deployed right after. Upon return from Deployment i was medically discharged. I ended up being in the military 7 years. 2013 - 2020. It made me really realize that i have to buck up and make a good career field and a simple life for my family.

So i did. I am currently working full time as a system administrator for the department of defence. i am also currently holding a spot in the upcoming Spaceforce Software Development team that is being developed as we speak. When I graduate from Code Fellows 401 class with a focus on Python, i will fall into my Software Development spot and than work for the Department of Defence as a Gaurdian of the Galaxy. This is where i pose like Superman.

My goals consist of one thing and one thing only. To Continue bettering myself in every possible way. Goals are set by people who have a maximum potential. My potential doesn't stop until i tell it to.

  1. Top 10 Movies, First to Last
  2. The Chronicals Of Riddick
  3. Mad Max: Fury Road
  4. Fury
  5. The Little Rascals
  6. Top Gun
  7. Get Hard
  8. Patriots Day
  9. White Chicks
  10. The Hot Chick
  11. Ready Player One